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14 October 2024

Child measurement programme data AY 2021-22

The child measurement programme data has been updated for AY 2021-22 following a release by Public Health Wales.
The data includes the findings from the measurements of children in reception year aged four to five during the academic year.
• % of children aged 4-5 who are a healthy weight
• % of children aged 4-5 who are a healthy weight or underweight
• % of children aged 4-5 who are overweight or obese
• % of females aged 4-5 who are overweight or obese
• % of males aged 4-5 who are overweight or obese

Data is not available for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board for 2021-22 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please note, an overall figure for Wales cannot be provided.